Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan SMA SMK D3 S1 PT Freeport Indonesia Terbaru Februari 2025

Bekerja di perusahaan pertambangan merupakan impian banyak orang karena dianggap memiliki nilai atau keuntungan lebih dibandingkan bekerja di sektor industri lainnya.Meski demikian, menentukan pilihan apa pun adalah keputusan besar. Ketika Anda diminta untuk membuat pilihan penting seperti bekerja di tambang, pahami daftar ‘Peluang dan Hambatan’ agar dapat membantu mengambil keputusan. Bagi mahasiswa teknik dan para profesional, pekerjaan di perusahaan tambang sering kali menjadi pilihan menarik. Alasannya sederhana, perusahaan tambang dinilai memiliki gaji yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan bekerja di sektor industri lain.Menurut laporan Kelly Indonesia Salary Guide, perusahaan tambang biasanya menawarkan gaji yang sangat menjanjikan, dengan rentang gaji karyawan mulai dari Rp15 juta hingga Rp30 juta per bulan. Namun, meskipun gaji yang ditawarkan sangat menggiurkan, ada beberapa fakta penting yang harus dipahami sebelum memutuskan untuk bekerja di industri tambang. Karyawan di industri tambang harus memiliki keahlian khusus. Proses penambangan melibatkan teknologi dan penggunaan berbagai jenis kendaraan yang memerlukan keterampilan khusus. Selain itu, pemahaman tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) juga sangat penting untuk menjaga keamanan dalam bekerja.Kecerdasan emosi merupakan aset berharga di industri tambang. Kemampuan untuk merencanakan masa depan dan mengatasi masalah yang muncul dalam kondisi serba keterbatasan sangat diperlukan. Keputusan yang baik dan manajemen emosi yang efektif dapat membuat pekerjaan menjadi lebih lancar.Jika anda berminat mencari pekerjaan di bidang pertambangan khususnya pertambangan minyak mentah dan gas alam, bersiaplah untuk berkompetisi melawan ribuan pencari kerja yang juga melamar untuk posisi/jabatan yang sama di sebuah perusahaan tambang minyak/gas. Dan kemungkinan sebagian besar dari mereka telah memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industri pertambangan. Tidak dapat disangkal, bagi pencari kerja di Indonesia, bekerja di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan minyak dan gas adalah impian akan masa depan yang cerah. Apalagi Indonesia memang memiliki banyak ladang minyak dan gas yang sudah maupun belum diekspoitasi sehingga banyak perusahaan asing menanamkan modal mereka di negara ini. Perusahaan pertambangan minyak dan gas dikenal sebagai perusahaan yang memberikan gaji/kompensasi tinggi yang nantinya menjadi daya tarik menggiurkan bagi setiap pencari kerja. Selain itu dapat bekerja di perusahaan pertambangan juga memberikan prestise bagi pekerjanya karena mereka telah berhasil mengalahkan ribuan pesaing.Berdasarkan hasil dari berbagai survey yang dilakukan di Indonesia, perusahaan pertambangan minyak dan gas memberikan gaji yang jauh diatas rata-rata bagi para pekerja entry level disbanding perusahaan lainnya. 

Informasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari PT Freeport Indonesia, berikut ini info perusahaan dan lowongan tersebut. 

PT FREEPORT INDONESIA Merupakan perusahaan tambang mineral afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) dan Mining Industry Indonesia ( MIND ID ). PTFI menambang dan memproses bijih menghasilkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak. Kami memasarkan konsentrat ke seluruh penjuru dunia dan terutama ke smelter tembaga dalam negeri, PT Smelting. Kami beroperasi di dataran tinggi terpencil di Pengunungan Sudirman, Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia

Tambang di kawasan mineral Grasberg, Papua - Indonesia merupakan salah satu deposit tembaga dan emas terbesar di dunia. Kami saat ini menambang pada fase akhir tambang terbuka Grasberg. Kami tengah mengerjakan beberapa proyek pada kawasan mineral Grasberg sehubungan dengan pengembangan beberapa tambang bawah tanah berkadar tinggi yang berskala besar dan berumur panjang. Secara total, semua tambang bawah tanah ini diharapkan menghasilkan tembaga dan emas skala besar sehubungan dengan peralihan dari tambang terbuka Grasberg.

Anda yang saat ini membutuhkan pekerjaan, saat ini PT Freeport Indonesia membuka lowongan pekerjaan di bulan Februari 2025 untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan perusahaan. Pihak perusahaan akan mencari para kandidat yang memiliki potensi yang sesuai dengan posisi jabatan yang dibutuhkan.

Berikut ini persyaratan setiap calon pelamar kerja bagi yang berminat bergabung dan mengembangkan karir di perusahaan tersebut. 

Lowongan Kerja Pertambangan PT Freeport Indonesia Terbaru Februari 2025

Posisi :

1. Geo Engineering - Chief Engineer, Underground QAQC GBC & BG #1

The purpose of this position is:

Organize and supervise activities of his subordinate to perform field work such as a) POT, b) grout injection activity, c) material testing, d) shotcrete or concrete observation, f) heading inspection (scoring, detail assurance project) and d) project sitewide. He also conducting coordination with operation, geotechnical and operation engineering group to support the project and quantify success and timeline.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:

  • Supervise and organize field observational, in related to regular testing material/product for ground support material and construction and deliver the regular report.
  • To find the improvements in ground support product that improve productivity by looking into new product technology or methodology.
  • Implement good project delivery from department and include the initiative to cost reduction, increase production, and increase quality of ground support.
  • Coordinate with Underground Engineering, Underground Operations and all related parties to a) understand mine design, b) communication plan and c) deliver technical report in timely manner.
  • Analysis data collection of testing; observation; scoring and deliver into regular report. Highlighted potential disturbance in advance.
  • Perform the Risk Register List of action plan as part in mitigating risk in PTFI.
  • The key challenges in this position include:
  • Good communication skill to delivers idea and instruction.
  • Able to use computer program such as Microsoft office tools (excel, word, power point), power bi, autocad or other related data processing tools
  • Able to write technical report
  • Coaching and mentoring ability

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

  • Minimum Education & Experience
  • Bachelors degree in mining or civil engineer for at least 4 years or other engineering degree for at least 6 Year with QAQC work background
  • Minimum 2 year supervisory experience with project management or mining operations.
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Understand about QAQC process.
  • Communication skill
  • Competent in cement inspection, injection application, lab testing and field testing
  • Communication with English language

The key areas in which you have decision-making responsibility are :

  • Create daily plan and organize the crew in field work.
  • Coordinate with Operation personnel to perform daily plan with low cancellation plan.
  • Understand the SOP and able to do STOP the job.
  • Provide alternative plan to supervisor to improve work load and increase impact to operation productivity.

2. Central Services - Foreman, UG Exp. Rigger #2B

Basic Function :

Supervise construction work in assigned area to ensure the work is appropriate, executed properly according to design plans and company standards and procedures.

Job Responsibility :

  • Assist supervisor in the planning and scheduling of the manpower and material provision for construction to ensure that construction works accommodate all project requirement according to schedule and budgeted man-hours and meets company safety standards and procedures.
  • Supervise material utilization plan/requirements; including Material Take Offs (MTO) and schedule material delivery accordingly to ensure that material provision is in line with project schedule.
  • Execute and supervise monthly Key performance Indicators (KPIs) in all projects as set as target and guidelines for specific work completion to ensure the specific work completion targets are met.
  • Execute and supervise construction design drawings and its field construction work to make sure that the as-built construction is according to the design and that required by the client.
  • Report to supervisor any discrepancy between design drawings and field conditions that might lead to necessary changes in design, and to ensure proper field construction works are based proper design and to increase work productivity and prevent reworking.
  • Assist in the supervisory and control of construction work activities and prepare its periodic reports to make sure that all installations are in line with international standards and codes.
  • Coordinate safety measures such as analyzing all incoming work in their safety aspects to provide proper safety guidelines for construction work.
  • Coordinate with other areas engineers and with safety supervisor to provide and approve safety aspects of special work permits for high-risk work (hot permit, excavation permit, overhead crane checklist, etc.) and also aspect of fatigue management to ensure that these activities are conducted in accordance with company standards and procedures
  • Monitor and evaluate Construction crew on appropriateness of crew's knowledge and skill requirements to further improve their performance and responsibilities.
  • Familiar supervised and Monitoring Crew Working in Underground Construction.
  • Implementation All Procedure working and Safety in Underground , especially in Rigging Construction.
  • Supervise and Monitoring All Shut down / Troubleshooting and monthly KPI Target , in Underground , especially in Rigging Construction.
  • Supervise , making and implementation Lifting Plan in Rigging base on Crane Lockhart.
  • Supervise and Implementation Procedure HIRA DC , CCC , FRM
  • Supervise and Monitoring All Cranes, Lifting Gears Equipment Support in Underground Construction.
  • Supervise and Implementation on Structural Drawing , Raw material and Field Fabrication.

The key challenges in this position include:

  • Properly understanding and implementing design drawings. They overcome this challenge by continuously updating their own skill as well as continuous coordination with supervisors and other area engineers.
  • Coordinating work with other area engineers (piping, electrical/instrumentation, etc.) as not to have a construction work reworked. Again they implement their interpersonal and communication skill to overcome this challenge.
  • Effectively supervise and coordinate crewmembers with various types and levels of background, technical and cultural. Here, aside to the usual technical and communication approach, they also have to administer a 'training' approach and continuously guide crews in achieving the proper and safe working procedures
  • Effective Supervise and Coordinate with Others Team in Underground relative procedure and Support .
  • Lead Safety Meeting ,Coaching Crew and Resolve Findings Safety inspection

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

  • Minimum Education and Experience
  • Minimum SLTA with a minimum of 7 years of field construction experience.
  • Or D3 Degree, preferably with Construction Engineering background with 5-7 years of field construction experience.
  • Or S1 Degree, preferably with Construction Engineering background with 3-5 years of field construction experience.
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Technical/Engineering knowledge.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Basic computer skill.
  • Competent both in Bahasa Indonesia and English, oral and written
  • Supervisory and training skills. ( Rigging certificate/training , working at Height , Confined space , Fire Fighting , First aider , LOTOTO and holder POP Certificate )
  • Analyzing skill.

3. Smelter Operation Readiness - Site Inbound Logistics/Customs Clearance Supt.

The Purpose of This Position:

Manage and oversee the implementation of Manyar Smelter/PMR inbound freight & import customs clearance activities to ensure that Import Declaration Document and Data have been properly reviewed, analyzed, vetted, and executed in timely manner while ensuring its regulatory compliance to and have the proper import permit or quota from the relevant authorities. The position is also responsible for working directly with internal customers and if require other relevant GOI authorities to ensure on time arrival of inbound shipments and Import Clearance with 100% compliance. Further, this position will monitor inbound shipments from overseas and ensure timely customs clearance and delivery to site in compliance with Special Economic Zone regulations. This position will be the Contract Responsible person for customs brokerage and inbound international freight forwarding partner contracts.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:

Direct, monitoring, and collaborate to ensure Import Clearance Processes are executed correctly, effectively, efficiently and comply with Indonesian Customs Regulation and Company policies procedures in support Operation. This including providing explanation & recommendation regarding Temporary Import requirement to internal/ external stake holder for leadership review and decision.

Direct, analyze, review and monitor readiness of Inbound Shipments, data changes and addition to assigned Shipping Agency in timely manner to have Customs declarations submitted in timely manner, accurate. Take charge for any discrepancies, make correction, and expedite urgent cargo import clearance in coordination with Customs Broker.

Responsible for reviewing, validating, communicating Origins and HS code to ensure all import goods are met Customs Regulation including but not limited to goods type and quantity, correct HS code, Certificates of Origin, and valid import permit or quota. Ensure PPKEK documents are submitted accurately and timely.

Responsible for supervising, controlling, reviewing, and managing Import Declaration submission in ensuring type/quantity/value, data, permit, and document are accurate, correct and submitted in timely manner after Customs document is available

Communicate pre-alert SAP Shipping Manifest changes and additions to appropriate groups such as, Buyer, Inventory Controller and GSC Material Expediting team. Assist Inventory Control team with Bulk Direct Delivery materials from a scheduling perspective, especially for materials bulk materials source overseas.

Obtain and Analyze data to perform Import Clearance Performance, COO saving performance and Customs Audit. Analyze data to perform root cause analysis on issue that impact to import customs clearance performance and initiative corrective/ mitigation plan and actions.

Collaborate with Accounting Department to ensure Import Duties, taxes and billings are being paid in timely manner

Direct, supervise and monitor to ensure Red Channel Import Document is submitted in timely manner by our Customs Broker, collaborate with KPI team to ensure Customs Red Channel Physical Inspection is done timely, effectively, and efficiently without unnecessary delay. Coordinate with relevant parties (KPI, SEZ Custom Authorities, SCM, etc.) to ensure all customs cleared goods being transport directly from Port of Entry to site SEZ per prevailing regulation.

Ensure adherence to General Accounting Principles, Safety and Health, Related Company Procedure-Policy, Principles of Business Conduct (PBC), Anti-Corruption (FCPA), Human Rights, SINCERE, etc.

Perform other duties as assigned

Job Scope:

  • Works on highly complex customer needs, using data received to monitor requirements and make necessary adjustments to ensuring customer needs are met. Also, manages performance of freight forwarders and customs brokers assigned to move inbound shipments and clear them through customs, including delivery to site.
  • Continuous collaboration with site leaders, shared services leaders and internal customers and external stakeholder. Coach and train subordinate.
  • With general supervision and in collaboration with site leadership and shared services team, executes department plans, priorities, and goals.
  • Forecast, Calculate and preparing Import Tax Payment Request
  • Manage Annual Jobsite Import Duties and Tax Budget USD 7,5 Million.
  • Manage Customs Brokerage & Freight Forwarder Contracts with value yet to be determined.
  • Manage Annual Department budget
  • Manage assigned functional area with potential non-staff subordinate

The key challenges in this position include:

  • Deep analysis on Import clearance process, manifest discrepancies, HS code inconsistency, goods customs value discrepancies, and initiate actions, solutions, and improvements to achieve objectives, goals, and targets.
  • Communicate and collaborative with key customers and external related departments regarding detail requirement to ensure import customs clearance and goods delivery can be effectively processed.
  • Deep analysis for high priority/ critical/ Restricted Item and Required Permit, urgent import item request and initiate necessary actions to ensure it is processed in accordance with requirements, objectives, procedures, regulation, and time schedule including to provide best shipment or clearance scenario / alternative i.e direct shipment/ transshipment
  • Consistently updating, identify and perform analysis related to Customs Regulation and or other regulation that impact the Import Clearance Process and provide recommendation to ensure compliance.
  • Identify and continuously anticipate and mitigate delays of pre-alert shipment notifications from origins that can impact the export/import clearance process and provide recommendation and reminder to related stakeholders.

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

  • Education & Experience
  • Minimum S-1 bachelors degree in supply chain, Business Administration, Industrial Engineering, or related field with minimum 5 years relevant experience in the same field (Purchasing, Customs Clearance, Supply Chain). Three years Supervisory experience preferred.
  • Knowledge, Skills & Character
  • Fluent in English both oral and writing.
  • Analytical and managerial skill.
  • Has a decision making and proactive management attitude
  • Self-motivated person, self-starter, good organization skill, good interpersonal and negotiation skill.
  • Supervisory and leadership skill
  • Technical Competencies
  • Purchasing/ Sourcing/ Supply Chain Management/ Freight Forwarding / Customs Clearance knowledge.
  • Familiar with SAP system/ Power BI
  • Excellent with Customs Module/ Ciesa
  • Working knowledge with Microsoft Office Application

4. Smelter Operation Readiness - Superintendent, Metal Accounting & PPIC

The purpose of this position : 

The Superintendent Metal Accounting & PPIC is responsible to lead a team of staff and technicians in providing metallurgical balance computation, all production reporting, compliance reporting requirements, and execute production forecasting function for the Manyar Smelter and PMR organization. Production accounting is an essential to the organization to ensure reporting that are consistent with international metal balance standards and standard accounting practices. Production forecasting is also crucial as it aligns production plans between the mine, the mill, and the smelter. 

The key duties and responsibilities of this position: 

  • Reporting: Ensure the accurate and timely metallurgical accounting and official reporting of metal production, including concentrate dispatch, reagents, water, and energy.
  • Compliance: Maintain strong compliance with health, safety, and environmental (HSE) standards within the team
  • Data Analysis: Conduct comprehensive mass and energy balance throughout the entire plant operations, tracking inputs and outputs in metallurgical processes
  • Process Improvement: Investigate and implement methods to improve metallurgical processes and reduce operational costs.
  • Team Leadership: Supervise, lead, and mentor metallurgical accounting personnel.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively with staff and upper management about project progress and goals.
  • KPI Management: Consistently deliver and exceed key performance indicators (KPIs) related to metallurgical accounting and technical reporting, focusing on accuracy and timeliness
  • Adept in general process engineering.
  • Experience in design and implementation (>5 years) of safety systems that may include Fatal Risk/Critical Risk Management principles.
  • Experienced in operational readiness efforts leading up to commissioning and start up.
  • Experience in big data management and analysis. 


  • Minimum Bachelor's degree in an Engineering discipline or related field. 
  • (Preferable) Masters degree in Business Administration, Accounting, or Mineral Economics. 
  • Extensive experience (>10 years) in the setup and leading a production accounting and forecasting team. 
  • Preferable: experience working in Smelters and Precious Metals Refineries. 
  • Metal/Production Accounting expertise in mining and metal processing facilities. 
  • Experience in the installation and use of production accounting balancing software that provides objective balancing approach.
  • Knowledge of metal accounting industry standards and experience in its implementation. To act as the designated Competent Person on metal accounting for the organization. 
  • Exposure to managing the interface with key stakeholders of various background and priorities. 
  • Integrated Strategic Planning in a complex work environment. Good understanding of each major nodes in the mining and metals processing industry. 
  • Experienced in the development and implementation of Production Key Performance Indicator system (reports, dashboards, etc.)
  • Influencing without control providing feedback to the laboratory, metallurgy/process engineering, operations, and maintenance team on a regular basis. 
  • Complex data management and analysis. Storytelling with data. Objective communication to stakeholders based on sound analysis of technical data. Advanced in technical writing. 
  • Working Relationship 


  • Hot Metal Operations
  • Precious Metal Refinery
  • Technical Services/PPIC
  • Strategic Outbound Logistic 


  • Labor Supply/Contractor 

5. PT. Applus Energi dan Industri - GA Shift Coordinator, GA Support

Fungsi dari posisi ini/The purpose of this position:

  • Posisi ini melakukan berbagai tugas administratif untuk GA Support yang meliputi Employee Service, Facility Management and Maintenance.
  • The position provides a wide range of administrative duties for the GA Support which includes Employee Services, Facility Management and Maintenance.

Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama posisi ini/The key duties and responsibilities of this position:

  • Maintain all indoor and outdoor facilities at the Smelter and PMR are in good condition and ensure facility maintenance request are completed timely.
  • Responsible to supply basic office needs by ensuring stocking supplies related with Office Administratives, reserving meeting rooms, and setting up projectors or equipment.
  • Oversee all booking/ appointment activities for Offices, Conference and Training Rooms at the Admin Building and Central Control Building.
  • Responsible to maintain Pantry Supplies for all department by ordering and ensuring stocking supplies are available.
  • Maintain shipping and mailing activities at Smelter and PMR (Receive, deliver, compile, sort, distribute, etc).
  • Collaborating with other Departments for visitations at Smelter and PMR.
  • Create and Maintain visitor book/ tracking system daily and send report to Supervisor.
  • Handle day-to-day administrative and clerical tasks such as printing, copying, scanning, etc..
  • Provide logistical support for meetings and events for GA Administratives or related.
  • Provide transportation support for employee needs.
  • Oversee General Uniforms purchasing and distribution process.
  • Organizing and managing files or documents related with GA Administratives.
  • Update and maintain all GA reports (Furniture, Office Supplies, Pantry suppies, PPE, visitors, conference rooms, etc) are up to date.
  • Serve as a back-up for the Receptionist position.
  • Assist with other GA and Employee Engagement tasks.
Latar belakang, pendidikan, dan pengalaman kerja yang diperlukan agar berhasil dalam pekerjaan ini/The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:
  • Minimum Bachelors Degree in related fields
  • 2 yeas of work experience in General Affairs/ General Administration/ Facility Management.
  • Ready to work in shift (including weekend).
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
  • Strong Computer Skills (Ms. Office, Word, Excel PowerPoint, Outlook, and TEAMS).
  • Able to speak, write and read English.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to handle confidential document with discretion.
  • Excellent multitask, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Collaboration and able to work as part of a team.

Cara Daftar : 

Para  kandidat kerja yang tertarik untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir, Silahkan Daftar diri anda di link pendaftaran online berikut :



 https://ig.me/j/AbbL1tpMeyVW_TbY/  (Channel Info Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1)

Penting! :

Mohon untuk lebih teliti saat anda membaca setiap informasi syarat lowongan kerja tersebut dan di cek kembali. Agar saat anda melamar tidak terjadi kesalahan, seperti salah memasukkan posisi yang bakal anda lamar atau dokumen yang anda upload tidak sesuai dengan syarat kualifikasi dari perusahaan tersebut. Ditekankan kembali bagi setiap pelamar kerja selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun!.

Mungkin cukup sekian informasi yang dapat kami bagikan kali ini Info Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia -.Semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat. Kami harap artikel yang telah dibuat ini berguna bagi para pembaca sekalian yang memang sedang mencari informasi lowongan pekerjaan. Hanya Mereka yang lolos kualifikasi yang akan menerima panggilan dan lanjut ke tahap selanjutnya.

Info lowongan kerja lainnya anda bisa lihat di beranda netloker.com & jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan Informasi seputar lowongan kerja SWASTA, BUMN, & CPNS lainnya dari penyediah informasi Lowongan kerja www.netloker.com

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